Straight-through processing with STPLink

Welcome to STPLink, the cutting-edge solution that enables seamless straight-through processing for financial institutions. Developed by Omnea, STPLink is a powerful tool that helps businesses streamline their operations and maximize efficiency. Straight-through processing, or STP, is the process of automating financial transactions from start to finish, without the need for manual intervention. By automating these processes, financial institutions can reduce errors, lower costs, and accelerate transaction times. STPLink provides a simple, yet powerful solution for businesses looking to achieve STP.

With our platform, financial institutions can easily connect their systems to other businesses, such as banks and brokers, for automated transaction processing. This reduces the need for manual data entry, while increasing speed and accuracy. Our platform is designed to be flexible, and can easily integrate with existing business systems. STPLink supports a wide range of financial instruments, including stocks, bonds, and derivatives, and can be customized to meet the specific needs of each client. Security is a top priority at STPLink, and we take every measure to ensure that your data is secure.

In today's fast-paced financial landscape, businesses need a reliable and efficient STP solution to stay ahead. With STPLink, you can achieve straight-through processing with ease, while optimizing your operations and reducing costs. Contact us today to learn more about how STPLink can transform your business.

Processing financials

Through this capability, we have helped organisations achieve a minimum of a 50% reduction in payment transaction errors.

Support annual swift changes

Accommodating annual changes to the SWIFT standards
We simplify the process associated with complying with the annual changes to the SWIFT standards with a simple software upgrade that contains all the necessary amendments, minimising the risk of error and delays in sending out payment transactions during the assimilation process as well as changes to current procedures.

Minimise payment transaction risk

We minimise the risk
Did you know that every payment transaction error costs money, either through rework, penalties, loss of interest received, or risks associated with delayed payments?

The built-in validation and exception handling rules for payment instructions that STPLink provides give our customers the peace of mind that payment transactions will be processed accurately within the correct parameters.

How STPLink works

STPLink validation

Benefits of STPLink

Swift certified

A platform built on a SWIFT-certified, internationally recognised integration solutions platform that meets all message formats.

Real time alert

Real-time alerts for critical conditions that require immediate attention.

Application support

Support for out-of-the box application adaptors for direct integration with other applications.

Advanced functionality

Advanced functionality such as content-based message routing, data mapping, and business process rules.

Bulk transaction

Bulk transactions into files or debulk files into transactions.

Comprehensive audit

Comprehensive audit trails for all transactions and associated processes.

Simplified reconciliations

Simplified reconciliations.

Flexibility to adapt

Flexibility to adapt to changes in business processes or data standards.


Scalability to stay aligned with business growth.

Simplified monitoring

Simplified monitoring of payment transactions.

Multiple operating systems support

Support for multiple operating system platforms, multiple delivery channels, and communication protocols, including file transfer protocols such as Connect:Direct, FTP, and SFTP, messaging middleware (MQSeries), Internet protocols (HTTPS), and industry service protocols (SWIFTNet).